About the Tool(ing) Tracker

What is the Tool(ing) Tracker?

The Tool(ing) Tracker was created for PotterUSA customers.
The web application is a system for you to track the tools in YOUR personal inventory.
The Tool(ing) Tracker began in 2022 when I realized there was a need for a way to easily tracking and refer to your specific tools.

Tool(ing) Tracker is a resource to track your PotterUSA tooling and it is a service that provides you with the abilty to enter:

  • part number
  • name
  • description
  • picture(s)
  • comments
  • purchase date
  • purchase price
  • custom part categories

The Tool(ing) Tracker is donationware which is a type of freeware. All we ask is that you make a donation to offset costs. You can make a donation by following this link.

Who created the Tool Tracker?

The Tool(ing) Tracker is/was developed by Laurie Jane Kern after discussions with other PotterUSA tool owners about how they track their tooling.
Laurie is an engineer spent the first part of her career as a Manufacturing Engineer in the medical industry. She spent the part, almost 20 years, developing and writing software.
The Tool(ing) Tracker is a pet project of hers; to see what else she's up to go look at her other websites: